Page 13 - 20 Page InDesign Magazine Template
P. 13
a passage of Lorem Ipsum, you fore always free from repetition,
need to be sure there isn’t any- injected humour, or non-charac-
thing embarrassing hidden in the teristic words etc.
middle of text. All the It is a long established fact that
a reader will be distracted by the
Lorem Ipsum generators on the readable content of a page when
Internet tend to repeat predefined Various ver- looking at its layout. The point of
chunks as necessary, making this using Lorem Ipsum is that it has
the first true generator on the sions have a more-or-less normal distri-
Internet. It uses a dictionary of bution of letters, as opposed
over 200 Latin words, combined evolved over to using ‘Content here, content
with a handful of model sentence here’, making it look like readable
structures, to generate Lorem Ip- the years, English. Many desktop publishing
sum which looks reasonable. The sometimes, packages and web page editors
generated Lorem Ipsum is there- now use Lorem Ipsum as their 13