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P. 14






                       ature simply dummy text of the
                       printing and typesetting industry.
                       Lorem Ipsum has been the indus-
                       try›s standard dummy text ever
                       since the 1500s, when an unknown
                       printer took a galley of type and
      Nscrambled it to make
        a type specimen book. It has sur-
        vived not only five centuries, but
        also the leap into electronic
        typesetting, remaining
        essentially unchanged. It
        was popularised in the
        1960s with the release
        of Letraset sheets
        containing Lorem Ip-
        sum passages, and
        more recently with
        desktop publish-
        ing software like
        Aldus PageMaker
        including versions
        of Lorem Ipsum.
        There are many
        variations of passag-
        es of

        Lorem Ipsum available,
        but the majority have
        suffered alteration in some
        form, by injected humour, or
        randomised words which don’t
        look even slightly believable. If you

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