Ready Made Business Card Designs

Ready made business card designs in Kenya

Ready Made Business Card Designs

Designers Joint is a marketplace for graphic design assets. From ready made logo designs, business cards, letterheads, invoices, brochures and flyers to ready to go websites.

Business cards are part of the branding exercise that marketers take up to beat the competition. The cards hold important contact details such as email address, phone number, website address, and others. Smart strategists know the type of business card designs that turn prospects into customers with the help of business card templates. The design speaks favorably for a business. Every design element like color, typeface, space, image, and logo, etc. has its planned use in the card for the desired impact.

Reasons Why You Still Need a Business Card as an Entrepreneur

Everything we do in business today is digital — sending mail, signing contracts, attending meetings, even networking. The business card is one thing that digital will not fully replace anytime soon.

Here are seven reasons why business cards are still important to entrepreneurs.

  • Makes a Quick First Impression
  • Gives a Personal Touch
  • Ease of Giving Contact Details
  • Makes Your Business Referable
  • It’s a Direct Marketing Tool
  • Builds Trust
  • Best for Networking

Get Ready Made Business Card Designs

It doesn’t mater the type of business you are dealing in, you should always have a pocket full of business cards at all times. Weather it is a salon, barber shop, farming, beauty shop, offering cleaning services, agribusiness, furniture business or corporates. When it come to business cards, Designers Joint has got you covered. With ready made business card designs, deciding on the type of business card design you want has never been this easy.

What you see is what you get. Click here to browse a variety of ready made business card designs to get you going.

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