How to Make a Responsive Website Design in Dreamweaver CC 2021 | Beginners Tutorial

How to make a website in dreamweaver cc 2021c

How to build a Responsive Website using Dreamweaver CC 2021: This is a step by step tutorial on how to create a responsive website with Dreamweaver CC 2021. If you are a beginner, this tutorial will help you understand the basics when building a responsive website using Adobe Dreamweaver CC 2021 using HTML, CSS and Bootstrap. Template download

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  1. 00:00 Introduction
  2. 00:21 Complete Website Preview
  3. 02:25 Create a Root Folder
  4. 02:59 Launch Dreamweaver CC
  5. 03:30 Navigate to Site Menu then click on New Site, give it a name then point it to the root folder
  6. 04:25 Working on the Home page. (index.html)
  7. 04:31 Go to File/New then select Bootstrap
  8. 05:15 Save the page as index.html then preview it on your browser.
  9. 06:00 Let’s add a fluid container to hold the page contents (Insert/Bootstrap Components/Container-fluid)
  10. 06:39 Add the standard container within fluid container.(Insert/Bootstrap Components/Container)
  11. 07:21 Adding the main menu within the standard container. (Insert/Bootstrap Components/Navbar: Basic Navbar)
  12. 10:07 Adding the slideshow within the standard container but after the main menu. (Insert/Bootstrap Components/Carousel)
  13. 14:06 Adding Heading and Paragraph texts after the slideshow. (Insert/HTML/Heading: H1) then (Insert/HTML/Heading: Paragraph)
  14. 16:24 Adding the three thumbnails after the Paragraph text (Insert/Bootstrap Components/Grid Row with column) then (Insert/Bootstrap Components/Cards: Card) 13. 20:19 Adding Accordion after the three thumbnails. (Insert/Bootstrap Components/Accordion)
  15. 23:20 Adding footer content (Insert/HTML/Footer) the (Insert/Bootstrap Components/Grid Row with column)
  16. 26:45 Working on the page CSS (CSS Designer/Sources + styles.css)
  17. 37:08 Adding logo on the website header and footer
  18. 40:29 Adding About, Services, Gallery & Contact pages
  19. 41:52 Linking menu items to pages and other relevant sections
  20. 48:32 Adding content to About, Services, Gallery & Contact pages
  21. 55:11 Adding a favicon
  22. 1:00:24 Working on Mobile Menu CSS
  23. 1:02:56 Moving the styles.css file inside the CSS folder

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